My internet has been down for two weeks which has really sucked. However it’s back up and running so I can catch up on everything and make my entries.
Work is going alright. Every time I hear of all the people being laid off daily and how horrible the real estate market here is doing I’m so thankful to have this job. And I can’t say enough about the medical. I do not have to pay one thing for my pregnancy; it’s completely covered 100%.
I finally told work last week that I’m pregnant and I am not going to my training like scheduled. I will have to go after the baby comes.
Since I haven’t been able to post the baby blogs weekly, here are a few pictures to catch you up and I should be able to resume the posts on Monday/Tuesday. I’ll be 16 weeks on Monday, it’s flown by already. Which honestly I wish it wouldn’t, I want to enjoy each part and have life slow down a bit. I had the flu last Thursday which really sucked and I had to call in sick for the first time. I figured when I threw up all over my car on my way to work I’d better just stay home. I haven’t felt the baby move yet but I have had different feelings of pressure which I never felt with Caleb. It’s like I’ll have pressure on one part and then in another spot. It’s kind of cool. The doctor’s appointment went great, I heard the heart beat and my tummy measured at 15 weeks (at the time I was 14) so all is good and the baby is healthy. I have another appointment Feb 19th and then 2 ½ weeks after that I will have our ultrasound to find out if we’re having a little boy or girl. I am going to bring Caleb to the ultrasound; I think that would be really neat for him to see the baby.

I’m trying to prepare him for the baby but not overwhelm him. I am nervous about how things will go after the baby comes. Caleb has been my little boy for 8 years all by himself. He’s only had to share time with Makayla and that’s not constantly. I think every parent probably struggles with this to some degree. I don’t want to rock his world too much but it’s sort of unavoidable. I plan to keep him involved as much as he can be and make sure I have lots of time for him afterwards. He seems pretty excited about it and every week when I get the pregnancy emails he’s always curious how much the baby weight this week. That’s his thing.
So anyway I wanted to catch everyone up. Hope all is well.
Wow, time is really going fast. We can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl. Being pregnant is fun, I miss it. We'll probably start trying for baby #2 in a year or so. What does your dress look like? I bet it's gorgeous! Take care :)
I can't believe your putting your wedding together so quickly! I can't wait to see some pictures.
As for Caleb, I was the obly baby for five years before my little brother came along and I didn't feel left out one bit. My mom included me in things when I wanted, and gave me space when I didn't feel like being around the baby. I'm sure he'll have a blast once his new sibling arrives.
I think you look wonderful. I am so glad all the wedding stuff is getting figured out and rolling. YAY! I think you keeping Caleb involved is really going to help in the long run. That is what we are doing with our little ones. And it was so cute watching Seth try to show with his hands how big his baby bro/sis was at the time. Memories I cherish and never want to forget! Hopefully an office job comes available soon. Clearly you are a great worker and they know that, so that has to count for something!!! :)
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