So for Halloween I have to confess, I wasn't that creative. I reused Hudson's costumes. If you look back a few years in my blog you will see the monkey suit on him when he was four months old. Hanley is 10 months wearing this. He wore it for like 30 minutes and it's super cute so why not let her be a monkey too. I promise, and you can hold me to this, that she will not be a hamburger next year.

Hanley didn't mind Halloween, she thought the feet on her costume were annoying but enjoyed it none the less. My dad and I took the little ones Trick-or-Treating up and down our street. We passed one person in a costume and Hudson was not happy about it.
Since we weren't getting many kids, my parents watched our little ones, and I joined up with Caleb for Trick-or-Treating. We didn't make it too many blocks since he developed a tummy ache from eating all the candy with no dinner.
Overall it was lots of fun.
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