Seriously I’m not sure if my children are mine.

Caleb’s first week of school is going great! He made a new friend whose name is Bob but likes to be called Rob. And Caleb, who has another Caleb in his class, has decided to go by his self-given nickname KK. He’s a happy kid about that one. I was reading over all his paperwork and Washoe County requires that fourth graders have 40-60 minutes of homework every night and an additional 20 minutes of reading. Now the reading isn’t a big deal, he does that anyway to calm himself down for bed but the homework shocks me. I personally think that the only homework kids should have is leftover work from school or special projects/reports but who am I to decide this…a mom? They will be doing lots of reports this year his teacher said. I enjoyed helping him with his last report and he learned a lot. They also get four really cool field trips this year.

He had a fun trip to his Grandparents house. They shared these pictures with me. They plan lots of fun stuff for him and he eats it right up.

He got to meet his little brother Sunday night at the airport. It was so sweet. As soon as I signed for him he went over to the stroller to look at him. He was excited and wanted to push him. I think he needs to take a few driving lessons, especially since Hud wasn’t strapped in, but he didn’t fall out so that’s a good thing.

I said over and over again I would be perfectly content having no more kids and I’m sure I would have if I didn’t. However I am so happy I had Hudson. I am in love. Absolutely in love with him. I feel like I know him so well already…his schedule, his personality, his grunts and cries. I can’t stop steering at him, studying his features. I have always done this with Caleb…looking for new features, new freckles, facial changes. Hudson has found his cry but doesn’t do it much. We’ve had one rough night where he wanted to be awake and was a bit cranky but all was well the next night. He likes tummy time and can lift his head up and face it the other way. He also loves to poop in his new diaper, right away. Seriously, as soon as we put it on he poops in it. And we’ve been really quick to change his diapers because the poor baby has a rash already. It’s clearing up though

I’m doing well. Things are less sore. My milk has come in good and plenty. And I’m getting relatively enough sleep. I've been going a lot trying to make up for the time I lost before Hudson was supposed to be here ie. Putting together dresser, getting a crib, getting groceries, etc. etc.
So all is well with us. I love my boys so much, I’m really happy.
I’m doing well. Things are less sore. My milk has come in good and plenty. And I’m getting relatively enough sleep. I've been going a lot trying to make up for the time I lost before Hudson was supposed to be here ie. Putting together dresser, getting a crib, getting groceries, etc. etc.
So all is well with us. I love my boys so much, I’m really happy.
How bad am I... I ohhh and awe over all of the baby photos and then... the car really catches my eye! Love the dvd players in the head rests! I need a toy like that! Enjoy Huddie boy! Hope to see you soon!
He's a cutie! And I'm totally jealous of the new car ;)
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