I don’t know how I’ll do getting up at 5:30 every morning. Ha!
I had a great weekend. I really enjoyed my day off on Friday. I did NOTHING. It was fantastic!
Saturday night Jarred and I went to Caleb’s dad to watch the UFC fights. They were great until the end. Oh well, next time.
Today I took the kids with my mom and brother to the pumpkin patch. I was highly disappointed in it. Wimples is SO much better and next year I will definitely continue our tradition.
Well anyway, I’ll let you know how the week goes.
So tomorrow is the big day!
Labels: Family stuff, Kids, Me, Work | 0 comments
Dear Caleb: 7 years, 10 months
When you turned one-five, I thought it was the coolest thing ever and couldn’t wait to see you grow. Now that you are turning eight, I realize just how fast time really does fly and I want you to just stay little. I miss cuddling with you. I miss kissing you goodbye without you getting all embarrassed. I miss your hugs, which are hard to get now. I miss you being a little boy.

Soccer is almost over and I think you’re happy. You seem to be loosing your enthusiasm when playing a game. You are like me in so many ways, one main way is you go in strong with the best of intentions and bore easily. Then after you haven’t done it for a while you decide you miss it and want to play it again.
I love our playing catch times. We can go on for hours playing catch and we just talk and talk. You like to come up with quirky ways to play catch like, whomever misses the ball is a moose. Oh Caleb, how I love your quirkiness.
I have always tried to take lots of pictures of you. I’m so afraid that I will not be able to remember key times in your life and I never want to forget any part of it. You, however, are not a huge fan of having pictures taken and Lord help me if I’m trying to get a normal picture of you since you think it’s SO fun to make a goofy face right before I snap the pictures. Or better yet you get annoyed and won’t look at the camera. Trust me someday a future girlfriend is going to want to see these pictures!

Every morning I always tell you I love you with all my heart and soul. I do son. I really do. You are an amazing person and I learn so much from you. I thank God every day for trusting me to raise you, although sometimes I don’t know what he was thinking!
Labels: Monthly Letter | 2 comments