Oh boys!
Day two is time for the hat and no makeup

This was the smoky view from the top. You can kind of see the lake.
Then Caleb got a little hungry and decided to eat the bait

Labels: Family stuff | 6 comments
In general I only have three rules in my home:
1. Pick up after yourself.
2. Be nice.
3. Once you’re in bed, stay in bed and go to sleep. (just so we’re clear, my BIGGEST pet peeve is when my child gets up or needs something after bed, yes this may make me the worlds worst mom but I don’t care, once you’re in bed it is my much needed Lynsey time and I only get a short amount of it so if you need a drink that you didn’t get before bed then that takes five minutes of my time, then I only have 25 left, and if you are scared, well then that takes the remaining 25 and now I have no me time…get my drift?)
So having two kids in my home right now has presented a lot of, well, arguing over these three rules. I personally think they’re very simple, not complicated what so ever. They on the other hand have the need to defy EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.OF.THEM. over and over and over….oh and over.
They’re cousins, not brother and sister but you wouldn’t know the difference. Seriously, they cannot be nice to each other more then 5 minutes, if that. The other one is always wrong, one is constantly interrupting the other one which in turn turns into a huge emotional breakdown of “She’s always interrupting me!” ‘sob’ ‘sob’ ‘sob’. And then when Thing two trips for the 100th time in an hour, she gets upset because Thing one laughs at her.
In a matter of ten minutes, I can tell you where at in the house (or yard) they were, what they were doing (or eating) and that they’ve moved on to create another mess. And yes, I’m the mean mom who interrupts what they are doing to make you come inside and put their dishes in the sink or hang up their bathing suite. Yep I’m totally un-fun.
But you know, having two around the house means different conversations and perspectives. Like while Caleb was playing on the computer, Makayla went through old future embarrassment pictures with me and laughed and laughed and laughed. And breakfast isn’t just C and I sitting there saying three words to each other.
It’s kind of nice.
Labels: Kids | 1 comments
Labels: Kids | 4 comments
I’m so happy to see Caleb tonight. It’s been too long…a whole week and a half. My niece is going to be staying a week with us and going to summer camp with Caleb. She’s totally excited. She’s a tomboy but man when she comes to my house, she gets into my hair stuff, makeup, nail polish, last night while I was playing on the computer she came out in my knee high boots and one of my dresses asking if she could wear it to church. Cracks me up.
I’m at an open house right now waiting for people to come through. I can’t wait to own a house someday; it seems so far away though. I will be on project mode galore when that time comes. Sometimes it’s so frustrating, I feel like I work so hard but am stuck in the middle income rut. Oh well I just keep praying and working at it.
When I get back home today I am going to be in power cleaning mode! My house is showing the affects of my work week. I’m tired and out of clean clothes. I’ve been home long enough to eat, change, and sleep.
Anyway, I need to make my grocery list…have a great weekend!
Labels: Kids, Stuff, Work | 0 comments
I don’t like to leave my cat out after dark for fear of Coyotes getting her. Which I really shouldn’t be scared of since she is the b*tch on the block and thinks she can tackle dogs 5 times her size...and rabbits…and bugs….and birds…etc. Anyway, I went out last night about 10ish (after dark) to hunt her down and bring her in. I usually go out front, say “Kitty Kitty” a few times and she comes running meowing the whole way.
After 2 minutes of “Here Kitty Kitty” nothing. Not a sign. So crossing my mind that a Coyote was hungry I went out back to incase she was playing in the fields behind our house. I call out again and I hear a slight sound…I look over and the cat is under the patio table playing with something.
I go over to her, lean down, and see something that almost looks like a hair tie—now remember, it’s dark outside and I didn’t turn on the porch light. I reach my hand down to grab it and it jumped at me and that is the moment I almost peed my pants because it was a snake. I grabbed the cat, ran into the house screaming, threw the cat across the living room (litterly) and slammed the slider door closed!
And I don’t care what anyone says, when this snake jumped at me, it was 100 feet long and 20 feet around. I swear.
Labels: Cat, Night life | 1 comments
Labels: Kids, Night life, Work | 3 comments
Have you gone shopping lately?? Like grocery shopping? Not only is gas ridiculous, but groceries have gone up majorly! Holy smokes! I spent way too much money on hardly anything the other day. We might be going to beans and rice come next month. Seriously, man!
I had my first session with my personal trainer today and wow…I needed him! I am so ridiculously out of shape! He says I can reach my goal in six months if I stick to it. We shall see…I’m more optimistic now then I was 20 minutes into the session. Ha!
What ever happened to the day when there was music on CMT, MTV, & VH1??? It’s all movies and reality shows now. We need some good ol’ sitcoms back on!!!!Caleb was cute today. Annoying but cute….most of our day went something like this:
Caleb: Ok mom, anyone who says “What” is a huge nerd!
--Seven hours later—
Caleb: Mom!
Me: Yes Caleb ?(See, I remembered!)
Caleb: Mom!
Me: Yes Caleb?
Caleb: Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mooooommmm! Mom! Mom! Mom!
Caleb: Gotcha!
Gotta love annoying seven year olds!
Labels: Kids | 3 comments