Finally. Finally, could it really be? She eats! Hanley has been a finiky eater since she was about three months old. I quit nursing because she was such a pain to feed and she continued to be a pain. For about two weeks now she has ate like a normal baby. Thank goodness because it really stressed me out. Neither of the boys were like this. If there was food, they were there. She also sits up. She can’t get into a sitting position on her own as she doesn’t yet get on her knees when she’s on the ground (she’s trying!) but she’ll sit for a long time and play. She babbles and has learned to blow raspberries. She’s also a mamma’s girl. Can you believe she’s 7 ½ months? I know I can’t.

For a while I’ve really struggled with Caleb. He’s a very strong willed child and it drives me insane. He constantly reminds me I have no flippin clue what I’m doing as a parent. At the end of some days I was left exhausted and crying because he would push so hard. He’s always been strong willed but in the last year it’s became more evident just how hard-headed he is. Anyway, the last couple months Caleb, as well as all of us parents, have worked really hard to work through this. Caleb is now back to his normal self that I knew was in there. Now he’s still hard headed but he has changed a lot and he has been pushed to change. I have missed him. I know that sounds funny, but I really have. I’m so thankful for these changes as I know he is. He is an amazing child, very smart and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. While he doesn’t necessarily have a servant’s heart, he has a helping heart. He started soccer a couple weeks ago and is doing great! He realized he needs to up his cardio a bit as the field is HUGE but he’s taken to the challenge like it’s nothing. His skills have improved since last year and he is all about teamwork. I’m very proud of him. His first game is this Saturday and he’s excited. He’s also soaking up what’s left of his summer enjoying his friends and video games. School starts on the 29th and although he wants to see his friends, he doesn’t want homework. What kid does right?

Hudson. Oh that child. He is so so so cute! He wants to do everything the older kids or I is doing. He has a little lawnmower to mow the grass. He has a kitchen set to make coffee. He has tools so he can “screwdriver” everything, a scooter to ride like his brother, and a soccer ball for brother’s soccer practice too. He has no clue he’s only two. Also for about a month now he has been sleeping in a big boy bed…he crawled out of his crib one day and that was the end of that. He really surprised me….I have no faith in my child because I was terrified to have him be able to move about while I'm sleeping. He gets into EVERYTHING. Anyway, he’s been great and does exactly what he’s supposed to do. He’s going to be a fun one to raise, I’m eager to see what he ends up doing when he’s older.

For a while I’ve really struggled with Caleb. He’s a very strong willed child and it drives me insane. He constantly reminds me I have no flippin clue what I’m doing as a parent. At the end of some days I was left exhausted and crying because he would push so hard. He’s always been strong willed but in the last year it’s became more evident just how hard-headed he is. Anyway, the last couple months Caleb, as well as all of us parents, have worked really hard to work through this. Caleb is now back to his normal self that I knew was in there. Now he’s still hard headed but he has changed a lot and he has been pushed to change. I have missed him. I know that sounds funny, but I really have. I’m so thankful for these changes as I know he is. He is an amazing child, very smart and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. While he doesn’t necessarily have a servant’s heart, he has a helping heart. He started soccer a couple weeks ago and is doing great! He realized he needs to up his cardio a bit as the field is HUGE but he’s taken to the challenge like it’s nothing. His skills have improved since last year and he is all about teamwork. I’m very proud of him. His first game is this Saturday and he’s excited. He’s also soaking up what’s left of his summer enjoying his friends and video games. School starts on the 29th and although he wants to see his friends, he doesn’t want homework. What kid does right?